First Days


Breastfeeding or manual expression within the first hour after birth

Latching and Positioning 2023 from La Leche League Canada

Health Care provider: "Wow that latch looks great!

Trusted places to go for face to face Breast feeding support: Calendar updated by Peterborough Public Health.

Proper Storage and Handling of Human Breast milk

Mom: But it hurts and he won't stop feeding. He is so gassy and he keeps spitting. IS IT A TONGUE TIE?

Dr. Kotlow's presentation about classification system and importance of treatment (Used with permission from Dr. Kotlow)

Best way to latch: Dr. Jack Newman

Latest Controversies:

UNICEF response to newborn dehydration and support needed by parents to feel secure their baby is getting the breast milk needed or is there a medical necessity for formula. response to Feed the Baby!

Website Updated August 18, 2023, 2023  © Eleanor Hartwick 2017